Welcome to 123DOCX.com's frequently asked questions about copyright, license, and use.
In an effort to make the answers to your questions more readily available, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions into several categories which are listed in the right hand menu.
To find the answer to your questions, select the category that is most relevant to your enquiry.
If you have any further questions concerning 123DOCX.com's product copyright, license, and use, please contact our Customer Services Department. Our service and support staff are on hand to assist you with any and all questions that you might have.
Questions in this category include:
Do I own a Word Template after I have purchased it? |
By purchasing a Word Template from 123DOCX.com you purchase a royalty free user license for the Word Template Design. Allowing you to use the Word Template for any document, or publication as often as you desire without the need to pay any license or additional fee. |
Do I own a Photo or Photo Image after I have purchased it? |
By purchasing a Photo or Photo Image from 123DOCX.com, you purchase a royalty free user license for the Photo. Allowing you to use the Photo in any Word Templates, document, publication, or presentation as often as you desire without the need to pay any license or additional fee. |
Do I own a Font or typeface after I have purchased it? |
By purchasing a single Font or Font Family Collection from 123DOCX.com you purchase a single machine royalty free usage license for the Font or Font family. Allowing you to install and use the Font on ONE machine only. The Font can then be used in any Word Template, document, publication, or presentation running on the machine as often as you desire without the need to pay any license or additional fee.
If the Font should be installed on several machines, you must purchase a Multi-User License for the Font, allowing you to install the Font legally across 5, 25, 100, or an unlimited number of work stations and portables. Contact 123DOCX.com to learn more about Multi-User Font Licensing options. |
Are there any copyright or license implications I need to be aware of?
Yes. In purchasing a Word Template, Photo or Photo Image, individual Font or Font Family Collection. You purchase a royalty free user license for the use of the file(s).
However, you are not permitted to re-sell the Word Template, Photo or Photo Image, Font or Font Family Collection for any or other commercial purposes.
In the case of Word Templates, the user license permits use of the Word Template for the creation of any publication, however, the Word Template and its graphic backgrounds and images, may not be copied, duplicated, or otherwise used to produce other Word Templates for resale or other commercial purposes.
In the event of doing so 123DOCX.com recognizes its legal right as author, and will take legal action against any party found to be involved in or assisting with such actions.
In the case of Photos and Photo Images downloaded from 123DOCX.com, the user license permits use of the Photo and/ or Photo Image within any Word Template, document, publication, or presentation. However, the Photo and its visual representation, may not be copied, duplicated, or otherwise used and altered to produce graphical images for use as other commercial products such as Backgrounds or Wallpapers for example, for resale or other commercial purposes.
In the event of doing so 123DOCX.com recognizes its legal right as author, and will take legal action against any party found to be involved in or assisting with such actions.
In the case of Fonts and typefaces, the user license permits use of the individual Font or Font Family Collection on a single machine only. Allowing you to install and use the Font on ONE machine only. The Font can then be used in any Word Template, document, publication, or other presentation running on the machine as often as you desire without the need to pay any license or additional fee.
If the Font should be installed on several machines, you must purchase a Multi-User License for the Font, allowing you to install the Font legally across 5, 25, 100, or an unlimited number of stations. For pricing, and to learn more about 123DOCX.com's Multi-User Font Licensing options, contact Font Licensing. Purchased Fonts may not be copied, duplicated, or otherwise used to produce other Fonts for resale or other commercial purposes.
In the event of doing so 123DOCX.com recognizes its legal right as author, and will take legal action against any party found to be involved in or assisting with such actions.
123DOCX remains the author of all files and services delivered through 123DOCX.com and reserves all rights, intellectual, and creative copyrights herein.